Yiqi "Andrew" Liu

Department of Physics, Princeton University


Jadwin Hall

Washington Road

Princeton, NJ 08544

My name is Yiqi Liu (刘逸奇). I usually go by Andrew. I am currently a physics graduate student at Princeton University. My research focus is cosmology. I study the origin of the universe via the cosmic microwave background (CMB).

Before coming to Princeton, I finished my undergraduate degree at Johns Hopkins University majoring in applied math, physics, and pure math.

At Hopkins, I worked with Prof. Tobias Marriage and Prof. Charles Bennett on the Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) project. In addition, I worked with Prof. Nadia Zakamska researching a bizzare cataclysmic variable system.

I like to row and ski during my free time.


May 25, 2023 Graduated from Hopkins! :mortar_board:

selected publications

  1. CSS1603+19: a low-mass polar near the cataclysmic variable period minimum
    Yiqi Liu, Hsiang-Chih Hwang, Nadia L. Zakamska, and 1 more author
    MNRAS, Jun 2023